
“How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“Know that it was gone.”

“It could’ve been the way you looked at me. Before it was as if your eyes have seen enough; nothing could ever amaze you again. But as time passed by the glow started to fade, and your eyes looked for something I might have lost.”

Inspired by the movie The Vow

Corby series: Single glimpse (Memo 05-23-12)

After I ate the luscious chocolate, I saw this. :) I don't know whether it was intentional or not, nevertheless, it made me happy.

After I ate the luscious chocolate, I saw this. 🙂 I don’t know whether it was intentional or not, nevertheless, it made me happy.

Your brown eyes that never fail to make me blush

Your sweet smile that always makes my day fine

Those are just some things about you that I love

Those are things that matter more than anything

It had been a depressing day, you see

But once I saw you, the worries disappeared

Without you everything were just too dark

You’re a star that shines even on the darkest night

A single glimpse of you never fails to make me smile

A single smile from you always makes my day

I’m just too happy to have you

Because you are everything I need.


The corby series is just a [silly] attempt to archive the notes and photos I wrote and took on my mobile phone, the pink Samsung Corby ii, since 2012. Obviously, I didn’t edit it [yet], except for capitalization and obvious grammar lapses. Pardon for the more serious grammar lapses because English is not my first language. This is also my own #throwback. Hope we can enjoy this together. 🙂

Disclaimer: I am not, in any way, affiliated with Samsung, nor do I try to endorse their product. 😛